Linda Saunders is a regular key note speaker and guest lecturer at national convention and regional conferences.
Past Engagements
Renaissance Columbus Westerville-Polaris Hotel
409 Altair Parkway
Westerville, OH 43082
Astral at Auburn
Receptions Center – Fairfield, Ohio
Registration and Information at
– 5 Ways Leaders Can Create Stronger Teams During Challenges and Change
Holiday Inn, Boardman Ohio
Fearless in the Face of Crisis, Chaos and Uncertainty
Census Optimization and Staff Recruitment: Creating Joint Campaigns for the Win!
French Lick Springs Hotel and Conference Center – French Lick, Indiana
Census 2022: Reboot, Recharge and Ramp Up Now!
Leadership 101 Series – On-Demand
Creating an Accountability-Based Culture
Reducing Drama in the Healthcare Workplace
Iowa Health Care Association
Quest Conference Center – Westerville, Ohio

The Academy of Senior Health Sciences 2021 Fall Conference
– The Census Robot 2.0: Not Our First Rodeo Show!
Monday, September 27, 2021 –
Iowa Health Care Association 2021 Convention – Marriott Hotel, Des Moines, Iowa
– Optimizing & Sustaining Your Post Pandemic Occupancy:
What 2020 Taught Us and What’s Next! – 8:30am – 10:00am CST
– Fearless Leadership in the Face of Crisis, Chaos and Uncertainty
10:15am – 11:45am CST
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 – 8:30 am – 10:00 am – Columbus, OH
Ohio Health Care Association Annual Convention and Expo
– Optimizing Your Post Pandemic Census Within a Changing Landscape
Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 6:00 pm
Southern Ohio Valley Chapter – Case Management Society of America
Virtual Education
– Navigating Ethical Dilemmas During the Pandemic
Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 10:30am – 12:00pm
American College of Health Care Administrators Midwest Post-Acute Executive
Leadership Summit 2021, Hollywood Casino, Lawrenceburg, IN
– Optimizing and Sustaining Occupancy Post Pandemic: What 2020 Taught Us and What’s Next…
Thursday, August 5, 2021 – 10:15-11:45am
LeadingAge Ohio Annual Convention, Columbus, Ohio
– 2020 is Done…Optimize Your Post-Acute Occupancy in 2021!
Tuesday, July 13 – Wednesday, July 14, 2021
SMART Conference
– Optimizing Your Post Pandemic Census in 2021: 2020 Lessons Learned and
What’s Next….(Keynote)
– Creating a Culture of Census Ownership
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
2:00pm – 3:30pm – Eastern Time
LeadingAge Ohio Webinar
– Redefine, Reboot and Refuel Your Skilled Nursing Facility Census
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
1:00pm – 2:30pm – Eastern Time
LeadingAge Ohio Webinar
– The Changing Assisted Living Landscape in A Post-Pandemic World
March/April, 2021 –
Iowa Health Care Association
Spring Virtual On Demand Convention
– Programs available On Demand:
March 22, 2021 – April 30, 2021
– 2020 is Done: Optimize Your
Post-Acute Census in 2021!
– 2020 is Done: Optimize Your Assisted
Living Occupancy in 2021!
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
6:00-7:00pm Eastern Time
Southern Ohio Valley Chapter Case Management Society of America
– Fearless in the Face of Crisis, Chaos
and Uncertainty
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Ohio Health Care Association
– CEAL Certification Training
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Central Indiana CMSA Chapter
– Fearless in the Face of Crisis, Chaos
and Uncertainty
“I highly recommend attending one of Linda’s engagements. Linda has been a huge catalyst to our post COVID growth. The best of the best!”
– Zachary Zerbonia, Chief Operating Officer
Franciscan Ministries

By Alex Zorn | August 15, 2021
Administrator’s Role Becomes More Hands-On Coming Out of COVID
One lesson learned over the course of the pandemic is how important administrators are to building back census, Linda Saunders, founder and president of Censusolutions, said at the American College of Health Care Administrators Midwest Executive Leadership Summit last week.
“Don’t underestimate the power you have as an administrator,” she said.
Censusolutions works with companies across the senior living and health care continuum to develop creative strategies for pandemic recovery.
Saunders presented some of the insight and tools that she’s seen operators implement recently to proactively reboot and reengineer their census. She’s seen operators think outside the box, like Welcome Nursing Home in order to build back community trust and support.
The facility had a resident turn 103 recently who had one birthday request, beer for breakfast. And that’s exactly what she got.
Saunders stressed the importance of administrators to better market themselves and their facility through social media, an updated website and by focusing on customer service and the culture of the facility.
“Invest in your website … is it dated, is it worn,” Saunders said.
She said census recovery starts by strengthening the fabric of the organization’s culture.
Censusolutions works with nursing homes and skilled nursing operators to break out of industry norms and assess their strategy moving forward, offering actionable and applicable measures they could institute in order to better respond to the current needs of residents.
Letter to the Editor

March 5, 2021
Take a moment this month to thank social workers for their valuable service
March is a month known for basketball playoff games, St. Patrick’s Day festivities and the first signs of spring.
But did you know that March is also “National Social Work” month?
Social workers have been on the front lines tirelessly representing hospitals, nursing homes, home-care agencies, hospice, mental health organizations, housing, insurance companies and vulnerable populations during the pandemic. Their nonstop advocacy efforts to listen, understand, educate and connect individuals with community-based resources has been nothing less than outstanding.
As a guest instructor throughout Ohio’s health care systems, I have seen first-hand how these amazing leaders touch and impact the lives of those they serve each and every day.
Let’s take a few moments and thank them for making a difference, for being relentless in their efforts, for demonstrating the courage to advocate against the odds and for showing such compassion during a time when it was needed the most.
Social workers are the conduit to help us enhance our lives, inspire hope and foster a better future for all of us.
Linda L. Saunders,
Licensed Nursing Home Administrator